Support Healthcare Heroes
The First International Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences:A response to COVID-19
ByFaculty of Pharmacy (Girls) Al-Azhar University
Conference Proceeding E-Book
In Collaboration with Regional Office of Association of African universities, Egyptian Knowledge Bank & Advanced Multiple Inc. ON Canada.
Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
A Response to COVID-19
SEPTEMBER 1-3 2020
Online Conference
Under the Patronage of
Eminent Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb
Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif
Prof. Dr.Mohamed Al-Mahrasawy
President of Al-Azhar University
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Seddik
Vice-President for Postgraduate and Research- Al-Azhar University
Prof. Dr.Tarek Salman
Honorary President of PMS Azhar Conference
Ex-Vice President for Postgraduate and Research- Al-Azhar University
Prof Dr. Mostafa Abd El-Ghani
Vice President for Girls Branch, Al-Azhar University
Conference Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Amany El-Sharif
Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls) Al-Azhar University
Conference Co-Chairpersons
Prof. Dr. Sahar Ramzy Radwan
Vice Dean for Postgraduate Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls) Al-Azhar University
Prof. Dr. Samar Ahmed Zaki
Ex-Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls) Al-Azhar University
Prof. Taha Nazir
Chairman Executive of Advanced Multiple Inc., Mississauga Ontario Canada
Conference Coordinator
Associate Prof. Dr. Iman Hassan
Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls) Al-Azhar University
Despite current challenges caused by COVID 19, we figured out our responsibilities as health care professionals to gather scientific efforts and ensure their sharing and availability to salute efforts of Health Care Heroes.
In this regards, and based on your valuable contribution to promote Health Education, I would like to invite you as a speaker at the 1st International online conference of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: a response to COVID 19 which will be held during September 1-3, 2020 by Faculty of Pharmacy (for girls), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
You can select the topic of interest to give your presentation out of the following Tracks:
Tracks of 1st International online Conference of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: a response to COVID-19.:-
Track 1: Health care system revolution
• Pharmaceutical revolution
• Medical intervention
• Infection control
• Natural immunity
Track 2: Technology impact and application
• Edu-tech
• Health-tech
• Drug design
• Bioinformatics
• Genomics
• Technology recruitment
Track 3: Industrial and Environmental impact
• Economic impact
• Recycling Management
• Earth breath
• Secondary metabolites for covid19
• Industrial growth and risk mitigation strategies
The participation in the 1st International Online Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19 will support Salut Health Care Heroes.
Welcome to the “1st International Online Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19”, September 1-3, 2020 in Faculty of Pharmacy for Girls (FPG), Al-Azhar University.
Prof. Muhammad Hussein El-Mahrasawy
President of Al-Azhar University
Cairo, EgyptRecent outbreak of novel Corona Virus-2019 (nCoV-19) has posed serious threat all over the world. Scientists and healthcare professionals are consistently working to control transmission and complications of COVID-19. So, I welcome the participants of the “1st International Online Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19” scheduled on September 1-3, 2020 held by Faculty of Pharmacy (girls), Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
We welcome you in Al-Azhar University, one of the oldest universities all over the world, in which many sultans, rulers, presidents, Al-Azhar Sheiks, muftis, ministers, ambassadors, scientists, and scholars have studied. Al-Azhar University hosts the greatest number of international students from (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia) where they study Islamic, human, and empirical sciences. Al-Azhar University is one of the most important knowledge fortresses in Egypt and the world. It bears the responsibility of protecting the Islamic and Arabic identity, spreading Islamic enlightenment, editing heritage, and publishing outstanding works on sciences and arts. It promotes the values of citizenship, love, peace, pluralism, and accepting the other. Al-Azhar colleges exist in most of Egyptian governorates and teach Islamic, theoretical, and practical sciences as well as unique academic areas of specializations. It is pleasure to Al-Azhar University to welcome students, learners, researchers, and professors from all continents with solemn promises to provide the best education service and care to students and researchers. Al-Azhar University welcomes any contribution or suggestion for better educational system. It calls social and academic actors, inside and outside the country, to participate in this great foundation and exchange ideas, opinions, and theses.
Al-Azhar University as well as its scholars and graduates worldwide undertake their role to maintain intellectual balance, protect minds from cultural extremism, build civilizational bridges, and promote international peace among nations through openness and serious culture that guarantee human dignity and protect human freedom everywhere. In this regard, I sincerely thank the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar for his
great support of Al-Azhar University to enhance its role and complete its civilizational and human participation in the promotion of sciences, arts, tolerance, and peace worldwide. I also
would like to thank faculty of Pharmacy for Girls for this initiative that reflect our scientists’ responsibility.
Hence, we welcome again our respected speakers, guests and participants in the “1st International Online Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19”.
Prof. Amany El-Sharif
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy (girls) Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Regional Coordinator of Association of African UniversitiesWelcome to the “1st International Online Conference Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences: A Response to COVID-19” scheduled on September 1-3, 2020 Online Conference. Faculty of Pharmacy for girls (FPG) is holding the event to gather high professional, academic and researchers and support healthcare heroes. It’s noteworthy that that Al-Azhar University achieved a high rank in QS world subject ranking in pharmaceutical sciences (201 worldwide). FPG is one of the pioneer faculties of pharmacy dedicated to girls, providing them with up-to-date pharmacy programme to be competent and unique.
In the current COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in the frontline are pushing all boundaries to save lives. The scientific and academic community upholds responsibility to provide solutions for critical health problems. In this context, FPG aims to encourage collaboration between committed researchers, technologists and entrepreneurs from all over the globe. This conference is a perfect chance for presenting high quality research and sharing ideas in COVID-19 related subjects.
Al-Azhar University is one of the oldest universities all over the world, in which many sultans, rulers, presidents, Al-Azhar Sheiks, muftis, ministers, ambassadors, scientists, and scholars have studied. Al-Azhar University hosts the greatest number of international students from (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia) where they study Islamic, human, and empirical sciences. Al-Azhar University is one of the most important knowledge fortresses in Egypt and the world. It bears the responsibility of protecting the Islamic and Arabic identity, spreading Islamic enlightenment, editing heritage, and publishing outstanding works on sciences and arts. It promotes the values of love, peace, pluralism, and accepting the other. Al-Azhar colleges exist in most of Egyptian governorates and teach Islamic, theoretical, and practical sciences as well as unique academic areas of specializations. It is pleasure to Al-Azhar University to welcome students, learners, researchers, and professors from all continents with solemn promises to provide the best education service and care to students and researchers. Al-Azhar University welcomes any contribution or suggestion for better educational system. It calls social and academic actors, inside and outside the country, to participate in this great foundation and exchange ideas, opinions, and theses.
PMS Conference is Hosted by:
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is the world’s largest digital library granting unlimited resources exclusively for Egyptians
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is an initiative that has been launched by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi During the National Science Day of 2014. And through it, the specialized councils of the presidency started to launch several national projects concerned with educational development.
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank grants all Egyptians from all ages access to the largest amount of knowledge, cultural and scientific content whether they be basic, applied, technology, human or management sciences. Even public cultural books, including books targeting children, to be used through all computers, as well as smart phones and tablets around the country.
EKB goal is to promote teaching methods for teachers and develop ways to attract students to learn by providing all Egyptians with access to world-class publications, like Nature and Encyclopaedia Britannica. By providing these materials free of charge
PMS Conference is Hosted by:
The Association of African Universities (AAU) is an international non-governmental organization set up in November 1967 by universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves and between them and the international academic community. With a current membership of 400 institutions of higher learning drawn from all regions within the continent, the AAU is the representative voice of the African higher education community. AAU currently services as the higher education coordinating body for African Union's Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2015 - 2024). The association has provided a platform for research, reflection, consultation, debates, co-operation and collaboration on issues of higher education. It has provided a range of services to its members and served African higher education in a variety of ways. It has established and increased its role in the five sub-regions of Africa and is thus able, at reasonable notice, to assemble teams of experts in relevant fields from the sub-regions.
The North Africa regional office of the Association of African Universities (NARO) was inaugurated on March 12, 2019, under the generous patronage of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and His Eminence the Grand Imam, Prof. Ahmed El-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. Through NARO hosted by Al-Azhar University, a new era in African Higher Education cooperation is born. It was established in fulfilment of the (AAU)'s vision of being the leading entity supporting higher education in Africa, capable of supporting member institutions to meet national, continental and global needs. NARO is not only a platform between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa but also between North Africa and the Middle East and Asia as well. It aims to link the higher education institutions of North Africa with the rest of the regions and to strengthen the contribution of the AAU in their efforts to develop the African continent.
PMS Conference is Hosted by:
Advanced Multiple Inc is an innovative, creative, and resourceful organization, delivering the valuable and quality services. Our skilled team has expertise to initiate, designed and deploys the knowledge based scientific, academic professional events.
Thus, we value the submission and contribution of speakers, participants, and audiences of our events. Therefore, we have initiated the scientific, academic professional events including conferences, symposium, seminars, workshops to facilitate the evaluation of new ideas and new research in an innovative, resourceful and creative setting. That potentially helps to promote the vigorous dialogue between industry and professionals from the arena. Our vision is to profess knowledge and disseminate the research information for the scientific community by providing an advanced platform. We receive the skilled opinions from the researchers, key leaders and influential personals able to guide through their multitude talk. Thus, we are at the frontline of distribution of knowledge through enlightening, informative and high quality events. That is specialized in providing comprehensive information and updates through conferences, journals and exhibitions. We cover all major areas including health, medicine, humanities, business, engineering, physics, geology and social sciences.
Opportunity for International publication
Journal of Applied Pharmacy (19204159) is annually published journal started in 2009. This is highly indexed and recognized journal constituted by Consortium Publisher Canada. The pharmacy is the science and technology deal with the preparation, dispensing, and development of novel drugs and treatments. The pharmacist offers the pharmaceutical care, therapeutically drug monitoring and patient care in best possible way. Thus, the health profession is directly connected with pharmaceutical sciences with the aim to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of drugs.
Canadian Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1925-7430) is an accredited online journal starred in 2011 and. The journal covers a wide range of life and biological sciences and publishes the accepted manuscripts yearly basis. The biological or life sciences comprised of study of life and organisms. Life sciences discoveries are helpful in improving the quality and standard of life, and have applications in health, agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical and food science industries.
https://www.consortiumpublisher.ca/index.php/cjas[7:25 pm, 21/08/2020]
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