Member Institutions
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How to join the AAU
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1. Access to Publicity through the AAU Television. The AAU TV broadcasts via Face Book and Satellite. The AAU Face Book Page has over 75,000 followers. The AAU TV also has a YouTube Channel and a special website portal. Member institutions can send quality short documentaries about their universities for publishing and advertising by the AAU TV. The AAU TV can also be used to announce new research activities and new programs being offered by member universities. • Member Institutions can also invite the AAU TV Crew to their campuses to cover key events – these camps visit arrangements require a cost commitment by the member institution 2. Research Outputs Visibility through the Database of African Theses and Dissertation (DATAD) – member institutions can facilitate the harvesting of their theses, dissertations and research outputs by the DATAD platform so that their research outputs are visible, leading to the improved overall ranking of African Higher Education Institutions 3. Opportunity to participate in discounted training programs – the Association runs diverse fee-based workshops targeting staff from African Higher Education Institutions. Member Institutions that are in good standing receive discounts when they participate. A member institution that hosts AAU workshops or events also benefits from the marketing/visibility associated with that event 4. Listing in AAU directory of African Higher Education Institutions and Staff – staff from AAU member institutions can benefit from belonging to the various AAU forums by areas of their specializations. 5. Staff from AAU Member Institutions can also benefit from the following • Right to stand for election as an AAU Governing Board Member • Right to vote during the AAU General Conference • Eligibility to apply for various competitive grants and the academic staff exchange program • Serve as short-term consultant and resource person in our areas of work • Sponsorship (when available) to participate in AAU organized conferences and workshops • Subscription to the AAU Monthly Newsletter 6. Paid Up Member Institutions can benefit from the following • Eligibility to apply for various institutional grants • Eligibility to participate in various continental initiatives – e.g. Member Institutions receive discounted fees to participate in the African Quality Rating Mechanism Institutional Evaluations